Largo das Necessidades, 58 - 1399-030 Lisboa
Mon - Fri : 09.00 AM - 05.00 PM
(+351) 21 3946255
About Us

NODC is a national network connecting marine data stakeholders

NODC aims to coordinate ocean observation at the national level, guaranteeing the existence of a common data management plan as part of every stakeholders’ initiative. Its goal is to promote an effective national oceanographic management system that will provide the basis for the following key national outcomes:

Detection and forecast of oceanic components of climate variability and change;

Guarantee of national security;

Management of marine resources for sustainable use;

Facilitation of safe and efficient marine operations;

Preservation and restoration of marine ecosystems;

Mitigation of natural hazards;

Support to the marine research community as well as the Blue Economy.


Support national and international marine knowledge


Datasets on bathymetry and ocean seabed elevation.

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Datasets on marine species and marine habitats.

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Marine Chemistry

Datasets on salinity, temperature, pH and other chemistry parameters.

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Marine Geology

Datasets on sea-floor geology, geological events, and mineral resources.

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Seabed Habitats

Datasets on seabed habitats and seabed communities.

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Human Activities

Datasets on marine human activities and uses.

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Ocean Physics

Datasets on waves, currents, sea-level, and other ocean parameters.

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Marine Meteorology

Datasets on weather and associated oceanographic conditions.

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Marine Pollution

Datasets on harmful substances to the marine environment.

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Marine Data Management References

This section present a list of references and resources for marine data management

  • All
  • Best Procedures
  • Standards
  • Vocabularies
  • Repositories

Best Procedures

IOC Ocean Best Practices System Project (OBPS)


Open Geospatial Consortium


BODC Marine Data Vocabularies


World Registry of Marine Species (WORMS)


Registry of Research Data Repositories


Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Thesaurus


Marine Regions Gazetter


IOC Ocean Data and Information System


International Hydrographic Organization

Organizations and Institutions

Instituto Hidrográfico
Membership open to the Portuguese marine data community
How to become a member?
Contact us: info@ipma.pt or centrodados@hidrografico.pt
Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera